This course will give you a vision of excellence for a reading comprehension lesson. It will also enable you to put what you learn into practice straight away by showing you how to begin planning for a reading comprehension lesson that is excellent. 

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In this course, we will learn what a think aloud is and how to execute that in class. We will also explore how to plan for a Reading Comprehension lesson

It consists of 5 sections.

Section 1- In this section, we will do a recap of what we learned in the first two courses on Reading Comprehension.

Section 2- Here, we will learn what a think aloud is and how to plan for a think aloud.

Section 3-  In this section, we will create lesson methods for all types of Reading Comprehension lessons.

Section 4-We will explore different ways to share our learning and best practices with our peers in this section.

Section 5-Here, we will complete an assessment to check what we have learned.

  1. CENTA

a. T1.1.1a: Shows knowledge of content and procedures of the chosen subject.

b. T1.1.3a: Shows knowledge of common developments related to the subject, which are beyond the text book.

c. T1.4.1a: Shows knowledge of the purpose of content in the chosen subject and the competencies and thinking skills that this content develops.

d. T2.1.1a: Shows understanding of and ability to apply content-specific pedagogical methods and subject-specific pedagogical resources.

Course Duration: Approx. 2-3 hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes