Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

Are you ready to begin a journey of transformation with fellow future teachers?
Welcome to the fourth cohort of Firki Future Teacher Program!
Duration: 8 weeks (July 10th to Aug 29th)
Medium: Online, English
- Teacher: Pratibha Singh
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

Firki is proud to launch the Future-Teacher Program NEP Edition. This program aims to offer professional learning development based on themes from the National Education Policy 2020. This program will introduce you to the topics newly proposed by NEP, over and above the B.Ed Learning that you may have studied in your respective colleges.
Participants cannot self enrol. Click on the link to submit the form: https://forms.gle/PuMTEhKZTn9aeHF6A
Program Brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dx7QSpYAAsu_qoSOdqVfGJ0_euVRJV3m/view
Some of the topics that will be included in this program are:
1. 21st Century skills
2. Constitutional Values
3. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
4. Technology and teaching and learning
5. Effective two-way feedback: Teacher as a coach
6. Integration and multidisciplinary teaching
7. Early Childhood care
This Registration Form is an invitation to apply to this program. Based on your inputs, we will also try to include your preferences in the program design so do fill in your responses accurately after careful thought.
Please fill out this form by 25th February 2022.
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes