Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

  1. This course is meant for mathematics teachers of grades 3-5. This course consists of 2 modules.

  2. To complete the course, you must go through all the units within each of the two modules. You have the option to exit the course in between and rejoin by clicking on the "resume" option. 

  3. There will be a quiz at the end of each module which can be accessed after completing all the units in the respective modules. 

  4. You need to start the course by taking the Pre-test. After completion of the Pre-test module 1 begins. Please watch all the module 1 videos and take the module 1 quiz, to start module 2.

  5. Taking the Post-test in the end, is also compulsory.

Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: No