Through this course, you will learn about teaching lessons online, strategies and a few tools and applications that can be used to conduct online classes.

Online teaching is a big need in the education world due to rising influence of technology and other factors. In this course, we will look at planning for online lessons and the different tools and applications that can be used for the various purposes such as assessment, teaching, interaction etc.

For an effective learning experience, please switch off any notifications, use a notebook to write down your learning and questions as you take the course. It consists of 5 sections.

Section 1-In this section, you will reflect on the need for teaching and learning to go online, your current practices and experience with teaching online and explore what virtual teaching and learning is.

Section 2- Here, you will examine how online classrooms and lessons are different from a physical classroom, explore different tools and technology that helps in virtual teaching and look at steps to plan a virtual lesson

Section 3- In this section, you will explore ways, tips and strategies to plan a virtual lesson by planning one with the help of examples.

Section 4-Here, you will think of ways to share your reflections and learning about virtual teaching and learning tools and strategies.

Section 5-We will check what we have learnt through this course by answering a set of questions.

Course Duration: Approx. 2-3 hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes