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Many teachers and teacher educators are finding themselves working online and remotely because of the Covid-19 crisis. We understand how daunting technology can be for teachers. Not only is there an infinite amount of information available online, but it’s also hard to keep up with constant new developments. Not to mention, of course, that our learners are very often more advanced than we are when it comes to digital skills!
To help you navigate this new world, we’ve created Technology for Teachers. From finding classroom resources online to using social media for professional development, this series guides you into becoming more digitally proficient. In this webinar you will:
  • Explore the Technology for Teachers series on the Firki platform
  • Try out a few resources mentioned in the series
  • Introduce a feature on the platform to collaboratively use the resources
  • Create a community of practice to support each other during the Covid-19 pandemic

Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

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