Diagnosing the need is a common practice in different professions. Based on the diagnosis, the next steps are identified. Teachers conduct diagnostic assessments to understand what the student needs are and plan the lessons accordingly.
Thank you for embarking on this journey. For an effective learning experience, please switch off any notifications, use a notebook to write down your learning and questions as you take the course.This course is about Diagnostic Assessments, the need for it, its uses and limitations. You will also learn how to create Diagnostic Assessments through this course.
It consists of 5 sections.
Section 1- Reflect on the current understanding on Diagnostic Assessments and explore the need for Diagnostic Assessments
Section 2- Explore the characteristics of Diagnostic Assessments, its uses and its limitations.
Section 3- Explore the steps to create Diagnostic Assessments and create one
Section 4- Different ways to share learning and best practices
Section 5- Evaluation
TAL standards:
P-1 Create or obtain standards- aligned diagnostic, formative and summative assessments (with tracking and grading systems) to determine where students are against big goals.
C-6 After a cycle of data collection, reflection and learning, adjust course (of big goals, investment strategies, planning,execution and/or relentlessness) as necessary to maximize effectiveness
CENTA standards
SA.1.1b. Understanding of the different assessment methods and tools.
SA.2.1a. Ability to select/ modify and implement an assessment, considering the assessment objectives and the classroom context.
SA.2.1b. Ability to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze assessment data.
SA.2.2a. Ability to create and implement an assessment, considering the assessment objectives and the classroom context.