Welcome to the first course on teaching students writing. Through this course, we will explore the need for our students to be proficient writers. We will also see how writing develops in students with time and practice and understand all the processes we follow when we engage in a writing task.

Course Overview

This is the foundation of all effective writing instruction. Understanding how writing develops, the parts of excellent writing and the writing process and how it adds up to our vision for Articulate writers with strong voices express their thoughts and ideas by writing for different audiences and purposes is the cornerstone upon which our students can learn to write better.

This course is a pre-cursor to Writing II, a course where we will understand the specific practices of planning for and executing an effective writing lesson. This course has been designed in a way that enables a teacher to make the most of the next course on Writing.

This course meets the following standards:

  • CENTA Standards:

a. T1.1.1a: Shows knowledge of content and procedures of the chosen subject.

b. T1.1.3a: Shows knowledge of common developments related to the subject, which are beyond the text book.

c. T1.4.1a: Shows knowledge of the purpose of content in the chosen subject and the competencies and thinking skills that this content develops.

d. T2.1.1a: Shows understanding of and ability to apply content-specific pedagogical methods and subject-specific pedagogical resources.

Course Duration: Approx. 2-3 hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes