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Teaching is a commitment that we make to our students and to ourselves. This course explores the three different commitments (commitment to personal transformation, collective action and educational equity) that educators make towards ensuring excellent education for all children. 

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This course explores the three commitments that educators and teachers make to ensure that all children receive an excellent education.

It consists of 5 sections:

Section 1- Here, we reflect on our understanding of commitment.

Section 2-  In this section, we will explore what the three commitments are.

Section 3-  We will explore the components of the commitment scale in this section.

Section 4-  Here, we will explore different ways to share our learning and best practices with our peers.

Section 5- We will check our understanding of the concepts taught in the course by answering a set of questions.  

TAL standards:

W-3 Sustain the intense energy necessary to reach the ambitious big goals through a variety of strategies (e.g.,(a) building meaningful personal relationships with students, (b) reminding themselves of the high stakes involved in their work and (c) taking care of themselves to ensure an ability to take care of their students)

CENTA standards



Course Duration in Hours: Approx. 2-3 hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

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