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This course aims to look at grit  from the lens of researchers and translate this abstract concept into ‘actionables’. It talks about the need to be gritty, how grit can be build by developing a growth mindset.

Thank you for embarking on this journey. For an effective learning experience, please switch off any notifications, use a notebook to write down your learning and questions as you take the course. Grit plays a crucial role in putting people on the path of success and achievement. One way to be able to do this is by building a ‘growth’ mindset. This course tries to explore the concept of grit and growth mindset from through a research perspective. As a result of taking this course, teachers will explore ways to practice grit and enable grit in their students too.


This course meets the following standards

Teaching As Leadership

W-1: Persist in the face of considerable challenges, focusing effort on the ultimate goal and targeting those challenges one can impact to increase student achievement



Course Duration in Hours: Approx. 2-3 hours
Skill Level: Beginner
Certificate On Mail: Yes

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